a little bit about me.


I never wrote a line of code until college. Coming from a family where everyone was expected to take up commerce, that’s exactly what I was supposed to do too. But then it hit me — I really didn’t want to pursue any of the subjects I’d studied so far as a career. So, naturally, I did the only logical thing: Inky pinky ponky’d my career over to computers and coding —seriously, no kidding. I enrolled in whichever college would take a commerce kid with zero coding experience and thus began my adventure! 💗💗

Oh I love cats 🐈 kitty kitty kitty and ofcourse I am allergic to them, but that has never stopped me from expressing my love.

what I do

I work as a Software Engineer, focused mostly on the building the backend systems. I have done everything from designing the architecture, APIs, DB 📓✒️ to developing them 🐱‍💻, then deploying them on the cloud and maintaing it perks of being in a startup. One of the most cool projects I have worked on was do with multi-tenancy and making it scalable on a monolith. I am also learning Golang now, because why not? :)

where I can be found

I live in Bangalore, a city with such a vibrant tech culture that it’s practically buzzing with code. When I first arrived, it didn’t take long to realize one thing: I was going to be here for a very long time. :)